
Monday, September 27, 2010

The power of one!( wheelchair accessibility)

Today I was told a story that hit me..This is why I blog..See the message below:

I just recently saw something happen in Regina that made me realize how INaccessible things can be. There was a construction site and they had put the big chain link fences up on the edge of the sidewalk. Well this section of fence had 'feet' to help with their stability that were basically big bars that ran across the sidewalk. This boy was in a wheelchair and trying to navigate his way on the sidewalk and got hung up on these feet, lost his balance, and he fell off the sidewalk and out of his chair. I jumped out of my truck to help him, but he was able to get get back into his chair on his own. The saddest part of all of this was the look of embarrassment that he had on his face. Why should HE be embarrassed?? The people that block off a sidewalk are the ones that should feel shame! People don't think..... :(

It  is so true. Some people go through life coasting as fast as humanly possible and do not stop to think of the repercussions it may cause for others. In todays society faster is better. The sooner you can get things done the better off so they say. But who thinks of the consequences down the road...or even right then. accessibility matters to everyone...We all may need to get somewhere and restriction causes frustration.
For example; imagine the last time you were stuck in a traffic jam and had to go around the obstruction...yes it took an extra 10minutes or more out of your day...yes it was extremely frustrating. Now imagine the life of a person with a disability. Everyday they encounter such a road block in plain, everyday life.

The AH HA moment! A traffic jam everyday....we could help change that one roadblock at a time. If one person inspires the next and so on and so forth imagine what the world could look like


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